Design Facilities

Design facilities are quintessential in the growth of an automotive production business. It maximizes the effectiveness of the process of production of pistons, piston rings and other automotive products. At SAMKRG, we stress upon our design facilities as it directly impacts how the work is done and the machinery is integrated in such a way that it creates a single, well-functioning system.

We always keep our design facilities in sync with changing times as the engines are getting more sophisticated and this directly adds to the complexity of modern pistons. The design facilities at SAMKRG fulfils the need for modern and high-output engines. Our cutting-edge technology enables us to develop modern pistons and piston rings. Being flexible around the numbers, we maintain the desired and expected quality of our products.

Our facilities are designed in such a way that they can easily be expanded or adjusted to meet changing production requirements.

We possess a design facility that believes in incorporating every important aspect for flawless and seamless workflow, we always succeed in delivering as per the required demand.

In short, our flexible manufacturing system is always ready to meet the demands of the ever-changing automobile industry while achieving the exact assembly line production rates.

Pistons and Rings design Facilities


Design Facility in Piston :
• 3D CAD / CAM Systems : Pro-Engineer, CATIA , AutoCAD
• CAE Systems : Pro-Mechanica
• R & D Expenditure : INR: 8.5 Mlns US$ 1.8 Millions
Pistons and Rings designing


Design facilities in Ring Factory
• Auto CAD 2015 version
•  Pro-e Creo Parametric (3 modling).